Saturday 13 October 2007

Backstabbers/A ponderment upon 'cyberbullying'

Ok, so this one is for all the backstabbing bastards out there.

If you laugh along with what someone does, don’t try and pretend that you never did. If you laugh along with this, when the shit hits the fan [ie. Somebody going to some sort of higher power] don’t go and fucking report me, to ‘redeem’ yourself. At least I’m putting this on my site, for your fucking entertainment, because you pussies don’t have enough balls to do it yourself and risk becoming a ‘cyberbully’. Which then brings me to my next point.

How the hell did 'cyberbullying' cause some kid to commit suicide? OK, the kid may have had problems, but to blame it all on 'cyberbullying' is a bit over the top/uneducated/AMERICAN.

This is some article I found about it on some website. My opinions are in the square brackets, italics and are red.

COPPA (Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act)
Sounds like a great law but click here and read it [No, I don’t think I will thanks]. Where was the common sense in selecting age 13 as the age for posting personal information online without any parental awareness and approval [Think about it. Even if it was higher, there’d still be people doing it at 13, and even younger]. Websites like MySpace are taking advantage [taking advantage? That’s a bit strong, though it’s probably because you’re uneducated, Bitch] of an age group that lacks the maturity and judgment to use these safely [‘an age group that lacks the maturity and judgement to use these safely’? What the fuck? I’m 14 {that’s 1 year older than 13} and I can use it safely]. They are getting rich on advertisement revenue playing to an age group most susceptible in wanting to be noticed and seen [No shit, most people are probably going through things they’ve never been through before {i.e PUBERTY} and becoming ‘emo’ and shit, so yes they’ll want to be seen, yes they’ll want to feel like they actually have something to look forward to in their miserable life, yes, they’re going to want to talk to other people roughly the same age about it, because most American mums have no idea and just freak at the slightest thing].

I was recently in a 6th grade [that’s year 7, over here] class and asked how many had a MySpace page ... nearly every hand shot up [great. Do we care? Do you even know if they didn’t have permission from their ‘rents?]. I then asked how many of them were left back two years [I think this means ‘I thought they looked pretty retarded, and too old for year 7, so I thought they were that dumb as that they were supposed to be in year 9’]. Nobody raised their hand [Would anyone even want to admit that?]. One girl admitted she lied and filled in age 18 in her profile [great. I’m guessing you haven’t seen the age on mine {99}].

Even though a typical 13 year old is physically capable of driving a car [‘booyah’], most states don't even issue a learners permit until age 15 [really? Over here in England it’s SEVENTEEN]. No sane parent would throw their 13 year old the keys to the family car because most would agree the judgment and maturity hasn't developed well enough yet to drive on the highway [let's not forget that it's against the law]. Yet we throw them the keys for the information highway [information highway? When was the last time you heard ANYONE call it that? Now, let's forget the fact that it's all done in a series of tubes, and focus on the analogy. Is it possible to crash, on the computer? Do you have to write your computer off if you come into contact with another user, somewhere out there on the 'information highway'? Is it illegal, at the age of 13 {even with supervision of parents}, to use a computer on the 'information highway'? No. No. No. Yet ask yourselves these questions about cars, on an actual highway {more commonly known as a motorway} and the answers are yes, yes, yes. You don't see 13 year olds in a car on the motorway, learning how to drive. Whoever thought up that analogy should be shot.] and often with little to no safety training [that’s ‘cause we’ve grown up with this stuff. You don’t need to be training us, we need to be training you].

Raising the age of this law to at least 16 and ideally 18 [what, the fuck?] would take away the excuse that it is too hard for MySpace and other similar websites to enforce age compliance. It's much easier to tell the difference between a 12 year old and an 18 year old [Well, I guess that throws out the idea of NOT PUTTING UP A PICTURE, or people just NOT CARING]. Also, id verification approaches like entering a driver's license number would become more practical ways of enforcing age compliance [so I guess that if you lived in New York, where everyone walks everywhere, or just DIDN’T OWN A LICENSE, you’re not allowed to go on Myspace. You haven’t really considered that in this day age, where everyone’s bending over backwards to become ‘PC’ that anyone that can’t drive because of disabilities can’t get access to the internet?] .”

And next, how is cyberbullying worse than normal bullying? At least if it’s cyberbullying, you can just not read the content, or pretend that you haven’t seen it. At least you can wipe away the tears [I mean, come on. Who actually cries when READING something on a computer?] before anybody can see them.

I came across this yesterday, and it was possibly the stupidest thing I’ve ever read.

Have you ever...
___Signed on with someone else’s screen name to gather info? [Nope, but I can do it easily if I really wanted.]
___Sent an e-mail or online greeting card from someone’s account? [A greeting card. Oh, ‘hello, this isn’t who you think it is, but I’ve just hacked into someones account to send an innocent greeting card. Ooh, get me, I’m a ‘cyberbully’.]
___Impersonated someone over IM or online? [as in, mocked them? All the time, but they weren’t there, so a) How will they know and b) What does it matter if they don’t know?]
___Teased or frightened someone over IM? [Oh, oh no, whatever will I do, someone is teasing on msn. Oh, gosh, somebody help me, I’m offended by this and need therapy. EVER HEARD OF THE BLOCK BUTTON?]
___Not told someone who you really are online, telling them to “guess”? [How is this possibly a form of bullying? Answer = IT’S NOT, IT’S JUST SOME PARENTS STUPID IDEA OF WHAT THEY THINK THEIR KIDS ARE ‘HURT’ AND ‘OFFENDED BY’.]
___Forwarded a private IM conversation or e-mail without the permission of the other person? [Yes. What does it matter, they should think about what they should write before they write it down. Like me, writing this down. I know the possible consequences, and I DON’T CARE.]
___Changed your profile or away message designed to embarrass or frighten someone? [Oh shock, never heard of ignoring?]
___Posted pictures or information about someone on a Web site without their consent? [No, but they should think of something like that happening before they give me their picture, or putting one up in the first place]
___Created an Internet poll, either over IM or on a Web site, about someone without their consent? [oh, so, getting peoples opinions is now illegal?]
___Used information found online to follow, tease, embarrass or harass someone in person? [Isn’t that just like bullying?]
___Sent rude or scary things to someone, even if you were just joking? [Oh, so now it’s against the law to be rude?]
___Used bad language online? [See above]
___Signed someone else up for something online without their permission? [No, but I know people that have.]
___Used an IM or e-mail address that looked like someone else’s? [So now coincidence is against the law too?]
___Used someone else’s password for any reason without their permission? [If someone elses password is that easy to guess it deserves to be used]
___Hacked into someone else’s computer or sent a virus or Trojan horse to them? [We’re not NSA, where the fuck do you think we're going to be able to get a Trojan horse from?]
___Insulted someone in an interactive game room? [Oh, no, someone I can’t see insulted me. Call the police, in the meanwhile I'd better grow some balls]
___Posted rude things or lies about someone online? [All the time]
___Voted at an online bashing poll or posted to a guestbook saying rude or mean things? [Gee, I guess having an opinion is now out of the question]

Now calculate your total score:

0 – 5 Points: Cyber Saint
Congratulations! You’re a cyber saint! Your online behaviour is exemplary! Keep up the good work! [Ooh, I feel so happy, I’ve now become part of a cyber religion I don’t even believe in {that’s right dipshits, I’m atheist}]

6-10 Points: Cyber Risky
Well, you’re not perfect, but few people are. Chances are you haven’t done anything terrible and were just having fun, but try not to repeat your behaviours, since they are all offences. Keep in mind the pain that your fun might be causing others! [Yes, I do all the time. And it’s still fun]

11-18 Points: Cyber Sinner
You’re online behaviour needs to be reproached! You have done way too many cyber no-no’s! Keep in mind that these practices are dangerous, wrong, and punishable and try to be clean up that cyber record! [Oh no, I did a cyber no-no. Maybe if you stop talking to me like a 5 year old, I might start listening to you {yeah, right}]

More than 18: Cyber Bully
Put on the breaks and turn that PC/MAC/text-messaging device around! You are headed in a very bad direction. You qualify, without doubt, as a cyberbully. You need to sign off and think about where that little mouse of yours has been clicking before serious trouble results for you and/or your victim(s), if it hasn’t happened already! [Thanks a lot guys, you know, I turned my laptop around, and all it succeeded in was all the wires getting tangled, retard.]

So to elaborate, this is some of the craziest shit going round, thought up by stupid American parents that have nothing better to do, thinking they know best, when in fact we – the generation that is growing up with this – do. Stop acting all high and mighty, get your head out of each others asses and THINK. When is an actual cyberbully going to stop, just because you told him to in some bullshit test? He’s not even going to take the test, and the only reason he cyberbullies in the first place is ‘cause he knows he can take what he gives, so he really isn’t going to care if someone starts doing the same to him.

Ok, so I edited out some mistakes from yesterday, and have just thought: 'Why the fuck does 'cybersinner' come before 'cyberbully'? Does that mean that if you're a sinner, you stand more chance of 'getting into heaven' than if you were a bully. Oh, that's ok then, I've just murdered the whole population of Vatican City [which, if you ask me, should have been done a long time ago], but never fear, I've never bullied in my life. Go Me! Some people really need to get some common sense.

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